April 25, 2012


Hi guys,

Because of my lack of internet connection, it's been a while since my last post. Sorry!
I had two presentations in the meanwhile, which went alright. My grade was a V this time, so that's good, but I'll tell you more about the presentations later, when I found the pictures back.

In the meantime I found my aunt in Schotland, who has a great coffeeshop/art-gallery called the Ava Gallery, at Hennies corner. At her Gallery she shows works of young new artists and she asked me to send over some of my work as well! This is, of course, already a dream come true and I'm very grateful for this, thank you Lesley!

In two weeks I have another assessment presentation, the final one, the important one, the big one. So I'm kind of busy at the moment. Two weeks after that presentation, there's admission-day. So I have to show all of my work again, and make sure the Academy accepts me!!!
Important weeks....

Well cheers to you all!

These next four pictures are of a life drawing session, first one minute, then three, the last one ten minutes.

These last drawings I did from a site; www.lovecastle.org, which provides you with random poses. This is a good exercise. I made these in one minute per pose.
