February 4, 2013

New Model Drawings!


Today I started my second semester at ArtEZ school of Arts. On this day we did some charcoal model drawings, all drawn in approximately 15 minutes.
Let's see how the rest of the week will surprise me!
In the meantime, here are the drawings of Today.

February 2, 2013

Drawing Project

Hey guys,

For the past week me and my classmates had a drawing project at school. The whole group was divided in smaller groups of six or seven students. The assignment was to make a large charcoal drawing, containing all members of your group, no objects allowed and it had to make the viewer wonder what exactly was going on. To give us a bit f a guideline, there were some sentences that we could chose from, to build a story.
Our sentence was 'It could come at any time', and the measurement of our paper was 2.5 meters high and 6 meters wide.
It took us 5 days and here you can see the progress, and finally, result!
