May 17, 2012

Two presentations

First off, these pictures above are from two presentations back, from where I just made the self portrait. I decided to put that kind of presentation back in the final assessment presentation. So these next pictures are from the final assessment where I got my final grades. Grades are 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and ten the highest grade.

- Creative capacity---------------------7
- Capacity of critical reflection-------6
- Capacity to grow and innovation-------6
- Organisational capacity---------------7
- Communicative capacity----------------6,5
- Environmental focus-------------------5

It also said that I have the ability, but it's not showing yet. That I'm stuck on techniques and forget about the concepts. I also have to be more open towards the teachers. (as I said in a previous post, I don't like talking about my work when I'm not proud of it, that was the problem her I think)
I understand my grades, but I'm not happy with them, I should have worked harder.
Let's say, I was glad it was over, but still I have my admission next Tuesday and I'm freaking out a bit. I thought I had it all figured out at the beginning of the year. Fine Arts: that is going to be it. But now, at the end of the year, doubts are rising. I have had a really long period of struggling. I know struggling is normal, but I had a lot of times where I just couldn't find myself in the ideas of what I was asked. I like to make clear, good images and I like to put a story behind them. It's just not in me to make a whole political statement, or really try to force my opinion on anybody.
After some talking with Tom, I came to the decision that, even though it's a bit late, that I have to find out what I really want. Maybe illustration is more my thing, but maybe there is room for what I want at the fine arts departement.

Few days later I also had a little chat with my mate Amy, she pulled me out of the hole again. Such a positive thinker. She told me that she definetely sees me at fine arts in the future. She also said that you cannot predict the future, so I should just do it and go for it. Thanks Amy!

OK guys, my admission is tomorrow, so wish me luck!!



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